Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is not always easy to identify. The abuser uses manipulation and fear tactics to try and control the person which can have damaging impacts to one’s self-esteem and self-worth.

  • Older adult women who is upset at her daughter

    What is emotional abuse?

    The wilful infliction of mental anguish or the provocation of fear of violence or isolation is known as psychological or emotional abuse.

  • Middle aged adult female yelling at a older adult male.

    What are some examples of emotional abuse?

    Name-calling; yelling; ignoring; insulting; threats including threatening to “put them in a home” provoking fear, intimidation or humiliation; being treated like a child; isolation; removal of decision-making power and denying rights such as access to grandchildren.

  • Older adult male siting by a tree crying

    What are some of the signs of emotional abuse?

    Withdrawn, depressed, anxious, fearful, especially when they are around their abuser. They may be tearful, or more irritable, confused.