Middle aged Middle Eastern women

If you see or suspect abuse

If a person discloses abuse, believe them. Do not judge them or deny the abuse.

For more information, download our Response Guidelines

Older adult female women sitting in a wheelchair

Some common reasons why a victim of elder abuse may not want to report it include:

  • Fear

  • Conflicted regarding the relationship with the perpetrator

  • May not identify the behaviour as abusive

  • Fear of losing the relationship

  • Fear of the abuse escalating

  • Shame or embarrassment

  • Misinformation regarding their rights

  • Lack of awareness of resources

  • Self-blame/feeling they deserve the abuse

  • Unsure how to seek help

Two older adult males talking to each other

If you suspect abuse

Be sensitive to the person’s culture, religion, and comfort level with disclosing what is happening. Consider the person’s wishes; their willingness to make changes to the situation; and their ability to recognize that they may be a victim of abuse. If you suspect the person being abused has a cognitive impairment that is preventing them from recognizing the abuse, seek further guidance.

  • Ensure immediate safety.

  • Actively listen and reassure that it is not their fault and they are not alone.

  • Understand the situation. Get the facts.

  • Ask what they want to do and let them know help is available.

  • Document any abuse that you see – write down the date and what happened.

  • Find out what local services are available in your area.

older adult female talking on the phone

How should I respond to the abuse?

If the person discloses an abusive situation where they are not at imminent risk and they do not wish to seek help, the most important thing you can do is be there for them–listen and support them. Do not feel badly if your first offer of help is rejected. This can be a common initial reaction. Don’t give up hope.

older adult female and male sitting on the couch

Try this as a response

Ok. I will respect your wishes. I just want you to know that you can talk to me anytime. Is it ok if I ask you about this the next time I see you?”

What else can I do?

Speak with a professional who will help you to review the situation logically and plan how you will respond in the future.

Create a safety plan with them.

Reduce their isolation until they can decide to seek help. Before a person will seek or agree to accept help, they need to be able to trust you and know that you will follow through with the help that you offer to give

For who to contact please view the following resources:

Local Resources

Provincial Resources

Federal Resources