Frauds & Scams

Frauds and scams have become increasingly popular and have become even harder to detect. Scam artist can be strangers, people you know, or in some cases even family.

  • Older adult female looking at her phone

    What are frauds & scams?

    The stealing of personal identity or funds under false presences. Considered theft under criminal law.

  • Hand reaching out of the computer grabbing a credit card

    What are some examples of frauds & scams?

    Identity Theft: Personal information is stolen from the senior; including bank/credit card, PIN, SIN, drivers licence, and health card numbers and used to take out a loan, apply for a credit card or get a mortgage.

    * Credit /debit card frauds: con artist uses your card or a copy to make purchases or withdraw money.

    * Online scams: may appear to be asking for help, or reporting problems with your bank accounts that require your personal information and intervention.

    * Phone or door-to-door scams: may advise you that you have won something, or use high pressure sales tactics to convince seniors to buy something they don’t need, want and are charged excessive amounts.

    * Work may be completed but bad workmanship is apparent with no agreement to improve this.

  • Older adult female sitting down looking at her phone

    What are some of the signs of frauds & scams?

    Depletion of monies from bank accounts for unknown reasons. Receiving bills or invoices for credit cards, loans, purchases etc that they didn’t take out or buy. Harassing e-mails about the need to send money or give personal information. Shoddy work completed around the home and contractor unwilling to fix, or disappears.